



Friday 22 February 2019


Nothing cripples a man and his creativity like fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of rejection, you name it. There is practically fear in every aspect of life. The moment a person arrives on this planet earth as a baby; he's usually confronted with two major fears, and that is the fear of falling and that of a loud sound. You can rightly say that fear is a natural phenomenon, and therefore a part of life.

But never you ever let fear ruin your life and life's opportunities, because if left unchecked, it has the ability to destroy whatsoever chance a person has to living a good and decent life. How many times has an opportunity presented it's self to you; but due to the fear of the unseen, you hesitated until that opportunity passed. There is one saying that "opportunity comes but once" but thank goodness that it is totally not true, because life in its abundance provides, and keeps providing more opportunities regardless of if the first opportunity was missed or not. But mind you, for the circle to come around again, it takes time, or some precious years. That is why you have to be on alert, once the opportunity presents itself, do not hesitate, no time for second guessing, just have a leap of faith, and grab it. Because time waits for no one, but if you let fear; it will keep you frozen in time.

Like a wired frenemy, Fear has the ability to save our asses sometimes, so lets not totally rule out its benefits. That brings us to having a healthy fear.

A healthy fear is required as long as one is wearing a flesh on this planet earth. It could be employed for protective measures. life being so fragile, can use some healthy fear to keep it from being reckless and going overboard to kill it's self prematurely. But be mindful of letting fear trick you into surviving and not living, there's a huge difference between the two. the happiest people on earth are those who live life, and really live, and also found a way to keep themselves from perishing before their time (Survive). So how do you draw the line? How do you know when to leap out and when to withdraw? Your mind is there to guide you.

We came into this world with a powerful tool like no other. A tool that knows the event and the outcome before it can even take place. a tool that can make or mar a person, a nation, a race; and that tool is our minds.

We have the choice of letting fear run and ruin this wonderful tool of ours, or we run and ruin the fear. The choice is ours. But how do we control this fear, you asked. Because in all honesty there is no one single person that does not have fear in him, how does the brave transcend? They simply feel the fear, and do whatever that needs to be done. It's that simple.

There is never any man or woman alive, who has no fear in him; but there are brave men and women, who feel their fears every day, but has gone ahead to do what needed to be done despite the fears.

So what honourable thing or things have you been planning, and it seems as if that fear wouldn't let them see the light of day? maybe, it could be fear of not having enough money, who has enough money ever stopped before?  or you may think that you are not good enough, My dear no one is good enough, until they think they are. So you may want to implore you mind here, and rearrange your mind until you have a better self concept. And run your fears, instead of letting your fears run you.

And this is worthy of note: Fear is such a powerful emotion that can easily be attracted into reality. Sometimes, you see most things you fear happening around you. It is not magic. It's not a coincidence or an accident. It is a law of attraction.

Job 3:25: For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me (King James Version)

Yes peeps, Fear is that bad. but think of it this way; as nothing. It has the capacity of magnifying itself in the  darkness of peoples minds, but remember; whenever a light shines in darkness, it disappears. And you'll realize that there is nothing there.

Fear is nothing!

You can check out a YouTube video of mine or two:



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