



Friday 22 February 2019


It is a privileged to be a human being. To wake up and find yourself alive, healthy, up and about. only for the next person to talk to and treat you as worthless. it could be so bad that the next person might be an authority in your life, or someone you may have so much respect and regard for. This verbal or emotional abuse can go a long way to cripple ones creativity, or worst still ones life.

If this is your story, or if its a little bit related to your story, then you're not alone. This is why RECLAIM YOUR POWER has to exist. to remind you about the awesome and powerful you that you might have forgotten. To tell you that you are enough, and you are worthy.

It is a well known fact that hurt people, tend to hurt people. Sometimes most people that resort to hurting people verbally or even physically do so because, they're trying to deal with their own hurt. But sometimes it's purely born out of total disregard and disrespect for their victims. or it might be that their victims made them feel uneasy, or fearful in a certain way. No matter what the reason may be, Know this: no one have the right to treat another human being poorly, or in an undignified manner.  

Many of us have seen it all, ranging from negligence, public humiliations that were uncalled for, receiving contempt for love, disrespected, disregarded and rejected. But you know what? that is not, and can never be the end of our stories. And as the saying goes "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" 

I am here to urge you to keep getting stronger, pay anyone that might have hurt you back by being a better version of you; a magnificent, amazing, awesome, worthy you. Have a quality self perception of your self. And no matter how they tried; do not think anything less of yourself. Because you are a quality being, who is of image and likeness of God. 

and you are powerful. Never forget that.

You might want to check out some of my YouTube videos, starting from below:


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